What is a CAA?

CAA is the acronym of Coastal Aquaculture Authority. It defines the Coastal area as “the area of land within a distance of two kilometers from the High Tide Line (HTL) of seas, river, creeks and backwaters”

What is a leased pond?

If any aquaculture pond is registered under the Fisheries Dept. then that pond will be referred as a Leased Pond.

What is a feasible Govt. land?

If a Govt. land is outside CRZ and and other regulatory boundary then it comes under the Feasible Govt. land.

Aquaculture ponds outside CAA needs permission from Fisheries Dept. or not?

To be given by Fisheries Dept.

What is the mapping year of aquaculture ponds?


What is CRZ?

CRZ is the acronym for Coastal Regulation Zone. As per the CRZ notification, 2019, the land area from High Tide Line (HTL) to 500 meters on the landwards side along the sea front.

Explanation: For the purposes of this notification, the HTL means the line on the land up to which the highest water line reaches during the spring tide, as demarcated by the National Centre For Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) in accordance with the laid down procedures and made available to various coastal States and Union territories.

CRZ shall apply to the land area between HTL to 50 meters or width of the creek, whichever is less on the landward side along the tidal influenced water bodies that are connected to the sea and the distance up to which development along such tidal influenced water bodies is to be regulated shall be governed by the distance up to which the tidal effects are experienced which shall be determined based on salinity concentration of five parts per thousand (ppt) measured during the driest period of the year ad distance up to which tidal effects are experienced shall be clearly identified and demarcated accordingly in the Coastal Zone Management Plan(hereinafter referred to as the CZMP). For details of the notification, the MoEF & CC website may be visited.

What are the categories of CRZ?

As per the CRZ Notification 2011, CRZ I consists of CRZ IA and IB. CRA IA areas are ecologically sensitive and the geomorphological features which play a role in the maintaining the integrity of the coast, include the following:


  • Mangroves, in case mangrove area is more than 1000 sq.m, a buffer of 50m along the mangroves shall be provided;
  • Corals and coral reefs and associated biodiversity;
  • Sand Dunes;
  • Mudflats which are biologically active;
  • National parks, marine parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, wildlife habitats and other protected areas under the provisions of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972), the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980) or Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986); including Biosphere Reserves;
  • Salt Marshes;
  • Turtle nesting grounds;
  • Horse shoe crabs habitats;
  • Sea grass beds;
  • Nesting grounds of birds;
  • Areas or structures of archaeological importance and heritage sites The area between Low Tide Line and High Tide Line is the Inter Tidal Zone and categorized as CRZ IB.


CRZ II areas are developed area up to or close to the shoreline. “Developed area” is referred to as that area within the existing municipal limits or in other existing legally designated urban areas which are substantially built-up and has been provided with drainage and approach roads and other infrastructural facilities, such as water supply and sewerage mains.


Land areas that are relatively undisturbed (viz. rural areas, etc) and those which do not fall under CRZ-II shall constitute CRZ-III, and CRZ-III shall be further classified into following categories:


Such densely populated CRZ-III areas, where the population density is more than 2161 per square kilometer as per 2011 census base, shall be designated as CRZ-IIIA and in CRZ-IIIA, area up to 50 meters from the HTL on the landward side shall be earmarked as the ‘No Development Zone (NDZ)’, provided the CZMP as per this notification , framed with due consultative process, have been approved, failing which, a NDZ of 200 meters shall continue to apply.


All other CRZ-III areas with population density of less than 2161 per square kilometer, as per 2011 census base, shall be designated as CRZ-IIIB and in CRZ- IIIB, the area up to 200 meters from the HTL on the landward side shall be earmarked as the ‘No Development Zone (NDZ)’.


The CRZ-IV shall constitute the water area and shall be further classified as under:


The water area and the sea bed area between the Low Tide Line up to twelve nautical miles on the seaward side shall constitute CRZ-IVA.


CRZ-IVB areas shall include the water area and the bed area between LTL at the bank of the tidal influenced water body to the LTL on the other side of the bank, extending from the mouth of the water body at the sea up to the influence of tide. i.e., salinity of five parts per thousand (ppt) during the spring tide.

What area the CRZ Regulation Lines?

The 20, 50, 200 and 500 m regulated lines were drawn landward of the HTL.

Whether aquaculture is permissible within CRZ?

The aquaculture is not permitted within CRZ.

Whether aquaculture is allowed within designated Sanctuary area even if not in CRZ area?

What is ESA?

The areas that are ecologically sensitive and the geomorphological features which play a role in the maintaining the integrity of the coast as listed in the CRZ 2011 Notification. These include mangroves, coral reefs, sand dunes, mudflats, national parks [marine parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, wildlife habitats and their protected areas under the provisions of Wildlife Protection Act 1972, the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 or Environment (Protection) Act 1986 including biosphere reserves], salt marshes, turtle nesting grounds, horse-shoe crab habitats, sea grass beds and nesting grounds of birds, Areas or structures of archaeological importance and heritage sites are also grouped under this category for regulatory purposes in the CRZ 2011 Notification.

Demarcation of Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESA)

National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM), Chennai has been awarded the task of mapping ESAs by MoEF&CC. The task was undertaken in partnership with various expert agencies. Mangroves, sand dunes, sea grass, mudflat and salt marsh ecosystems have been mapped using aerial photographs and satellite images by NCSCM. Final maps of ESAs prepared by NCSCM in collaboration with various agencies were used to prepare the CRZ IA area.

Whether aquaculture within ESA but outside CRZ is allowed?


What is HTL?

The HTL means the line on the land up to which the highest water line reaches during the spring tide, as demarcated by the National Centre For Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) in accordance with the laid down procedures and made available to various coastal States and Union territories.

CRZ shall apply to the land area between HTL to 50 meters or width of the creek, whichever is less on the landward side along the tidal influenced water bodies that are connected to the sea and the distance up to which development along such tidal influenced water bodies is to be regulated shall be governed by the distance up to which the tidal effects are experienced which shall be determined based on salinity concentration of five parts per thousand (ppt) measured during the driest period of the year ad distance up to which tidal effects are experienced shall be clearly identified and demarcated accordingly in the Coastal Zone Management Plan(hereinafter referred to as the CZMP). For details of the notification, the MoEF & CC website may be visited.

What is CVCA?

Critically Vulnerable Coastal Areas is the acronym for CVCA. The Bhitarkanika is declared as a CVCA.It is managed with the involvement of coastal communities including fisher folk who depend on coastal resources for their sustainable livelihood.

What is CZMP?

CZM plan/map depicting the HTL, LTL, the CRZ boundaries and all other details required for identifying and classifying the CRZ areas within the respective territories in accordance with the guidelines given in Annexure-I of the CRZ 2011 Notification and for regulating the activities prohibited / permitted in the CRZ Notification.

Whether Aqua ponds are allowed nearer to the settlement?

Shrimp farms should be located at least 100 m away from the human settlement in a village/hamlet of less than 500 population and beyond 300 m from any village/hamlet of over 500 population and for major towns and heritage areas it should be around 2 k.m.

What is the minimum distance needed from nearest drinking water facility for aquaculture ponds?

All shrimp farms should maintain 100 m distance from nearest drinking water.

Which are the prohibited lands for aquaculture practices?

Mangroves, agricultural land, saltpan land, ecologically sensitive areas like sanctuaries, marine parks, etc should not be used for shrimp farming.

Whether Aqua ponds can be developed across natural drainage canals?

The shrimp farms should not be located across natural drainage canals/flood plains.

What is the approved minimum/maximum distance between two smaller/larger aqua ponds?

In smaller farms, at least 20 m distance between two adjacent farms should be maintained particularly for allowing easy public access to the Fishing Landing Centers and their common facilities. Depending upon the size of the farms, a maximum of 100-150 m between two farms could be fixed.

What is the minimum distance to be maintained from agricultural land for aqua pond?

A minimum distance of 50-100 m shall be maintained between the nearest agricultural land (depending up on the soil condition), canal or any other discharge/drainage source and the shrimp farm.

What is the approved minimum water depth to be maintained in aqua ponds?

A minimum water depth of 80-100 cm should b maintained in the ponds.

What is the maximum percentage of water spread in an aqua farm?

The water spread area of a farm shall not exceed 60% of the total area of the land. The rest 40% should be used appropriately for other purposes. Plantation could be done whenever possible.

What is the minimum percentage of a farm land should be reserved for Effluent Treatment Pond (ETP)?

An ETP, as a reservoir for holding and regenerating wastewater is mandatory for farms lager than 5 ha and a minimum of 10% of the total farm area should be reserved for this purpose.